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All SFI Seed Mixes

View our full range of Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) seed mixes below - formulated to comply with all schemes including rotational and static where applicable.


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2-3 Day Delivery
BS Cutter - 2-3 yrs Ley Mixture

Blend of three Italian Ryegrass varieties and two Hybrid Ryegrass varieties

  • Mixture of both diploid and tetraploid varieties
  • Intensive cutting mixture for up to three years
  • Responsive to high fertiliser input
  • Excellent forage quality for ensiling and use in anaerobic digestors
  • Good regrowth after cutting
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
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From £44.00
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2-3 Day Delivery
BS Silage & Haylage - 1-2 yrs Ley Mixture

20% Westerwolds, 25% Hybrid Ryegrass, 25% Italian Ryegrass, 30% Early Perennial Ryegrass

  • Suitable for intensive cutting regimes with high yields
  • Can be used as an after maize mixture and for anaerobic digestion
  • 67D approx. 6 weeks after cutting with high sugar content
  • Rapid recovery after defoliation ensures reliable cuts later 
  • Suitable for high Nitrogen input systems
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Sowing rate: 14 kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg 
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From £46.00
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EnviroSeeds Grabber

Our most popular cover crop mixture. Vetch has a prolonged growing season and fixes Nitrogen at lower temperatures than other legumes. Rye develops a strong root structure to scavenge Nitrogen from the previous crop.

  • Fixes and catches Nitrogen - Winter hardy mixture
  • Low cost - Good weed suppression
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM2
  • Contents: 80% Rye, 20% Vetch
  • Sowing rate: 35-50kg/ha. EFA Compliant
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From £48.00
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BS Cut and Graze - 3-5 yrs Ley Mixture

35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 32% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 5% White Clover

  • Delivers yield and quality for both cutting, grazing and use in anaerobic digestors
  • Combines quality grass cutting and year round performance
  • Will cut or graze equally well with high annual yields
  • Excellent sward density so withstands heavy traffic
  • No clover option includes additional 5% late PRG
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
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From £54.00
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BS Cutter Plus  - 3-4 yrs Ley Mixture
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BS Cutter Plus - 3-4 yrs Ley Mixture

Blend of three Hybrid Ryegrass varieties and 25% Red Clover

  • Produces high quality yields of grass and clover throughout the season
  • 75% hybrids ryegrass for excellent yields
  • Quality and yield enhanced with red clover
  • Good disease resistance
  • Red clover will enhance the protein in the crop
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
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From £59.00
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EnviroSeeds Winter Revivor

Contains a range of frost-tolerant species to provide cover from autumn through to drilling of spring crops. Varying plant types and root profiles maximise soil conditioning and spring organic matter production. 

  • Frost-tolerant 
  • Range of rooting depths and types 
  • High organic matter production 
  • Fixes and catches nitrogen
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM2, SOH2, SOH3
  • Contains: 50% Rye, 25% Vetch, 10% White Mustard, 5% Brown Mustard, 5% Crimson Clover, 5% Oil Radish
  • Sowing rate: 20-25kg/ha 
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From £60.00
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IPM3 Beetle Blaster - Oilseed Rape Companion Crop

Maximum action against flea beetle provided by buckwheat's thick and dense canopy and fenugreek's degterring odour.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Killed by frost without regrowth
  • Best sown 7 days before drilling OSR
  • Contains: 70% LIFAGO Buckwheat, 30% Fenugreek
  • Sowing Rate: 10kg/ha
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From £62.00
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BS Haymaker - 3-5 yrs Ley Mixture
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BS Haymaker - 3-5 yrs Ley Mixture

25% Early Perennial Ryegrass, 47% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 14% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 14% Timothy

  • Longer term mixture of entirely diploid varieties for quality hay
  • Inclusion of timothy makes the mixture more palatable
  • Up to five year duration for hay and haylage
  • Can be grazed out of season if required
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IGL2
  • Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
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From £63.00
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AHL2 / AB9 1 Year Wild Bird Mix: Cereal Free (CSS10/CFX)

Use this mixture for AHL2 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and AB9 Countryside Stewardship (Winter Bird Food), to provide important food resources for farmland birds, during autumn and winter.

  • Farmland birds eat the seeds from October and beneficial insects including bees and butterflies use the flowers during the summer
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
  • Can be used for later sowings and re-sowing of failed crops
  • Spring or summer sown - one year mixture
  • Contains: 30% Linseed, 15% White Mustard, 10% Oil Radish, 5% Brown Mustard, 5% Phacelia, 35% Buckwheat 
  • Sowing rate: 8-10kg/ha (added to c.40kg cereals) or 15-20kg/ha (as a standalone mix). Pack size: 20kg
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From £72.00
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Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) produces a natural odour to deter flea beetle from the oilseed rape crop. Very tender to frost and therefore reliably winter-killed.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Rapid establishment, high vigour
  • Produces natural odour to protect the oilseed rape plants
  • Sow individually or combine in a mix of other companion species
  • Best sown 7 days before drilling oilseed rape
  • Sowing rate: c.10kg/ha as a companion crop
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From £74.00
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LIFAGO Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum tataricum)

LIFAGO buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is a different species to conventional buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) - particularly suited to grow as a companion crop with oilseed rape.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Rapid establishment and high vigour
  • Creates a dense canopy to protect the oilseed rape plants
  • Smaller seeded and easier to drill with oilseed rape than standard buckwheat
  • Scavenges phosphates from the soil for future crops
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Sowing rate: c.10kg/ha as a companion crop
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From £75.00
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IPM3 Shielder - Oilseed Rape Companion Crop

The complete companion crop - tried, tested and recommended by us. Provides the ultimate protection from flea beetle with buckwheat's protective canopy and fenugreeks deterring odour, combined with nitrogen-fixing, fast growing berseem clover.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Deters and protects from flea beetle, fixes nitrogen
  • Killed by frost without regrowth
  • Best sown 7 days before drilling OSR
  • Contains: 50% LIFAGO Buckwheat, 25% TABOR Berseem Clover, 25% Fenugreek
  • Sowing Rate: 10kg/ha
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From £76.00
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SFI/ALM Totational Annual Legume Mix
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NUM3 1 Year Annual Rotational Legume Fallow (CSS6/A)

Use this mix for NUM3 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) - Legume Fallow (Rotational), to establish a mix of vigorous legumes to flower for the summer months of May-August, or as a multi-species spring or summer cover crop (SOH2, SOH3) sown March to August.

  • Can be sown on a different parcel of land each of the three years of the agreement 
  • Provides valuable food source for beneficial insects and farmland birds 
  • Adds nutrients into the soil and improves soil health and structure 
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): NUM3, NUM2, SOH2, SOH3
  • Contains: 50% Vetch, 15% Linseed, 15% Buckwheat, 7.5% Crimson Clover, 7.5% Berseem Clover, 5% Phacelia
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £85.00
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IPM3 Fix and Protect - Oilseed Rape Companion Crop

Popular combination of  TABOR berseem clover to fix nitrogen and the protective canopy of LIFAGO buckwheat.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Protects the oilseed rape plants from flea beetle
  • Best sown 7 days before drilling OSR
  • Contains: 40% TABOR Berseem Clover, 60% LIFAGO Buckwheat
  • Sowing Rate: 10kg/ha
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From £86.00
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TABOR Berseem Clover Seed (Trifolium alexandrinum)

Tabor berseem clover is an annual, nitrogen-fixing legume often used in forage or green manures and as a key variety for companion cropping with oilseed rape.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • The only single-cut berseem clover variety - does not regrow after frost kill
  • Compatible in seed mixtures with grass and legumes
  • Nitrogen fixing legume with rapid growth and establishment
  • Sow from spring to early autumn. Not frost tolerant
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Sowing rate: 15kg/ha.
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From £94.00
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AHL1 / AB1 1 Year Nectar Flower Mix (CSS4/A)
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AHL1 / AB1 1 Year Nectar Flower Mix (CSS4/A)

Use this mixture for AHL1 Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship AB1 (Pollen and Nectar Flower Mix), to provide a food source and habitat for pollinating insects from late Spring and during the Summer months.

  • Used for rotational AHL1 Pollen and Nectar schemes
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL1
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB1
  • Contains: 50% Vetch, 15% Linseed, 15% Buckwheat, 7.5% Crimson Clover, 7.5% Berseem Clover, 4% Phacelia, 0.5% Wild Carrot, 0.5% Oxeye Daisy
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £107.00
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AHL3 / AB3 Buffer Strip and Beetle Bank with cocksfoot (CSS8)

Use this mixture (including cocksfoot) for AHL3 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) - Grassy Field Corners and AB3 Countryside Stewardship - Beetle Banks, to provide nesting and foraging habitats for insects, bumblebees, small mammals and some farmland birds.

  • Dense, tussocky cover provides warm, dry areas for invertebrates and pollinators
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL3 AHL4 IGL3
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 60% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Tall Fescue, 15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue, 5% Cocksfoot
  • Sowing rate: 20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £122.00
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AHL3 / AB3 Beetle Bank AB3 without cocksfoot (CSS9)

Use this mixture (without cocksfoot) for AHL3 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) - Grassy Field Corners and AB3 Countryside Stewardship - Beetle Banks, to provide nesting and foraging habitats for, insects, bumblebees, small mammals and farmland birds.

  • Dense cover providing warm and dry areas for invertebrates and pollinators
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL3 AHL4 IGL3
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 
  • Contains: 60% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Tall Fescue, 10% Hard Fescue, 10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
  • Sowing rate: 20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £122.00
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AHL1 / AB1 3 Year Nectar Flower Mix: Standard (CSS4)

Use this mixture for AHL1 Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship AB1 (Pollen and Nectar Flower Mix), to provide food source and habitat for pollinating insects such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies.

  • Used for static AHL1 Pollen and Nectar schemes
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL1
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB1
  • Contains: 50% Common Vetch, 37.5% Crimson Clover, 7.5% Red Clover, 3% Berseem Clover, 1% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 0.5% Wild Carrot, 0.5% Yarrow
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £127.00
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IPM2 / AB8 Flower Rich Margin & Plots (CSS1)

Use this mixture for IPM2 Sustainable Farming Incentive (Flower-Rich Margins) and AB8 Countryside Stewardship (Flower-Rich Margins and Plots), to provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar-rich flowers for pollinators and beneficial insects and encourage natural crop pest predators.

  • Also attractive to farmland birds
  • Annual production of flowers for the length of the agreement.
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB8 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2 
  • Contains: 40% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Chewings Fescue, 15% Hard Fescue, 5% Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass, 3.75% Berseem Clover, 3.75% Common Vetch, 3% Crimson Clover, 2.5% Red Clover, 0.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 0.5% Ribwort Plantain, 0.25% Lucerne, 0.25% Yellow Trefoil, 0.25% Yarrow, 0.25% White Clover
  • Sowing rate: 20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £127.00
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NUM3 / AB15 2-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (CSS6/G)

Use this grass and legume mixture for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) NUM3 (static) and Countryside Stewardship AB15 (Two Year Sown Legume Fallow).

  • Mixture also available without grass - see CSS6/21 
  • Reduces flowering blackgrass and provides an abundant supply of sown pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer for the duration of the agreement.
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: NUM3 (static), NUM2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 40% Perennial Ryegrass, 35% Common Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover, 5% Red Clover, 7.5% Sainfoin, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 2.5% Lucerne, 2.5% Black Medick
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £127.00
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SAM3 / GS4 Herbal Ley (CSS2)

Use this mixture for SAM3 Sustainable Farming Incentive (Herbal Leys) and GS4 Countryside Stewardship (Legume and Herb-Rich Swards), to establish a mixed sward of grasses, legumes and herbs and wildflowers.

  • A vigorous sward with abundant legumes and herbs, suitable for productive cattle and sheep 
  • Provides habitat and food for invertebrates and crop pollinators
  • Improves soil structure and water infiltration.
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): SAM3
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 40% Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 10% Vetch, 8% Meadow Fescue, 7% Timothy, 5% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, 5% Red Clover, 2% Persian Clover, 1.25% Lucerne, 0.5% Sheep's Burnet, 0.25% Sheep's Parsley, 0.25% Plantain, 0.25% Yarrow, 0.25% Black Medick, 0.25% Birdsfoot Trefoil
  • Sowing rate: 20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £127.00
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NUM3 / AB15 2-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow (CSS6)

Use this grass-free, pure legume mixture for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) NUM3 (static) and Countryside Stewardship AB15 (Two Year Sown Legume Fallow).

  • Mixture also available containing grass - see CSS6/G
  • Reduces flowering blackgrass and provides an abundant supply of sown pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer for the duration of the agreement.
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: NUM3 (static), NUM2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 55% Common Vetch, 15% Red Clover, 10% Crimson Clover, 12.5% Sainfoin, 2.5% Lucerne, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 2.5% Black Medick
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £137.00
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AHL3 / AB3 Species Rich Wild Grass Mix (CSS11)

Use this mix for habitat creation and compliance with AHL3 Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) - Grassy Field Corners and AB3 Countryside Stewardship - Beetle Banks. This premium, species-rich grassland mix provides an abundance of high-value plant species, with a range of plant heights suitable for invertebrates, birds and small mammals.

  • Low maintenance and suitable for light grazing
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): AHL3 AHL4 IGL3
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB3 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 27% Strong Creeping Red Fescue, 17% Chewing's Fescue, 15% Meadow Fescue, 10% Hard Fescue, 10% Tall Fescue, 8% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, 6% Sheep's Fescue, 4% Highland Bent, 3% Smaller Cat's Tail
  • Sowing rate: 20kg/ha  Pack size: 20kg
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From £147.00
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