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CNUM3 | NUM3 - 1 Year Annual Rotational Legume Fallow (CSS6/A)

Use this mix for rotational CNUM3 (2024) and NUM3 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive (Legume Fallow), to establish a mix of vigorous legumes to flower for the summer months of May-August. This mix can also be used for SOH2 and SOH3 (2024) Sustainable Farming Incentive (Multi Species Spring/Summer Sown Cover Crop) to ensure the soil is protected and improve soil structure and biology.

  • Can be sown on a different parcel of land each of the three years of the agreement 
  • Provides valuable food source for beneficial insects and farmland birds 
  • Adds nutrients into the soil and improves soil health and structure 
  • Use for rotational implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow rotational schemes
  • Sow in spring for optimum establishment
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CNUM2 NUM2 NUM3 SOH2 SOH3
  • Contains: 50% Vetch, 15% Linseed, 15% Buckwheat, 7.5% Crimson Clover, 7.5% Berseem Clover, 5% Phacelia
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
Choose a packsize:

Mixture Specification

50% Vetch
15% Linseed
15% Buckwheat
7.5% Crimson Clover
7.5% Berseem Clover
5% Phacelia

Sowing & Establishment


What To Sow 

Establish a seed mix that contains at least 6 flowering species, including legumes that will flower from May through to August. The seed mix can also contain non-legume flowering species or grasses to control blackgrass.

Where To Sow

Sow on sites that receive plenty of sunlight, where you wish to improve grass weeds such as blackgrass and to help improve soil health and compaction. 
Avoid sites that support hard-to-control weeds such as docks, ragwort and thistle, 

How to Sow

For germination, the seed will need a firm, level, weed-free seedbed. It must be sown when the soil is warm and moist which is typically in the Spring or Autumn. It is easier to control grass weeds in the Spring. 

You can either broadcast or shallow-drill the seeds to a depth of 1cm maximum. Once the seeds have been sown, you can roll the seeds to aid seed-to-soil contact providing the soil is dry enough. 

Information in this article is given in good faith but should not be seen as a substitute for complete guidance issued at Don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.



Maintenance during establishment 

A few months after sowing, checking on the area to monitor germination and pest damage is advisable. You may need to re-seed the area if germination levels are low 

Maintaining established areas

You will need to maintain the sward in a way that can achieve the action's aims.

NUM3 guidance allows you to cut the area if blackgrass and other annual grass weeds are turning to seed. Within the first Soring and Summer after sowing the mix, you can: 

  • cut the area as soon as blackgrass starts to produce seed heads 
  • do follow up cuts as necessary to remove any other grass weed seed heads

During the second year after sowing, you can cut the area between March and mid-June to control blackgrass. You must then leave the area uncut for at least 5 weeks until early August. Remove the cuttings where possible so as to not limit light and space for new seedlings, if it is impractical to do this, then you can finely cop them and spread thinly. 

If you seed signs of nesting birds before cutting, delay cutting until the birds fledge. Once yp

Records and Evidence

You should keep evidence to show what ypu've done to complete this action's aims. This evidence could include photographs and other documentation including field operations at a land parcel level and invoices. 

Information in this article is given in good faith but should not be seen as a substitute for complete guidance issued at Don’t hesitate to get in touch for further information.