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Which Grass Seed Do I Need?

Best Grass Seed for Dogs - Boston Seeds

Choosing the best grass seed all depends on where you’re sowing it and for what purpose. 

It’s also important to consider the best time to seed grass as this will aid your grass’ growth and ensure you have the lawn of your dreams.

With this in mind, we wanted to take a look at some of the most common growing areas, particular requirements and the grass seed best suited to its needs. We know you can have a luscious lawn anywhere, you just need the correct seed!  

What is the best grass seed you can buy? 

It’s a bold claim, but there’s no such thing as the best grass seed on the market. It entirely depends on the soil you’re growing in and for what purpose. Here, we’ll talk you through choosing the right grass seed for you and your specific needs - everything from the toughest grass seed for a high traffic lawn, to growing a verdant lawn in clay. 

What is the best grass seed for quick growth?

There are many occasions when you’ll want quick-growing grass, from filling unsightly gaps to last-minute summer preparation.

BS Economy Grass Seed is made of up seed mixtures that germinate quickly to give green coverage in no time at all. Don’t want to wait for your green lawn? This is the product for you. 

If you’ve noticed patchy areas in your grass, it’s understandable you want them dealt with quickly. The BS Renovator is designed to fill patches, either with a rake or a seed spreader, and can germinate in as little as seven days!

What is the best low maintenance grass seed?

Many of us dream of a luscious green lawn but it’s not necessarily something we want to spend countless hours toiling over! That’s why for many, the best lawn seed for a garden is a low-maintenance mix. 

The BS Quality Hard Wearing Lawn Seed has superior wear tolerance so even after a summer of children and animals running around, it can bounce back and stay looking full and fresh.

Best grass seed for shade

One problem many gardeners face is keeping shady garden areas as vibrant as sunnier areas. This is especially true with north-facing gardens that don’t get as much sunlight anyway. 

The best grass seed for under trees and shadier areas are mixes that use grass varieties which thrive in low-sunlight areas, such as the BS Shady Place Grass

We also have a helpful guide on how to grow grass in shaded areas if you’d like more information on how to make the best of your shady lawn.

Best grass seed for overseeding

Overseeding helps improve the overall condition of your lawn and evens out patchy areas by spreading grass seeds onto a pre-existing lawn. 

The BS Premier Lawn is a premium grass seed mix that combines hard-wearing grass varieties that can easily take hold in an existing lawn with fine-leaved grass mixes that give your lawn a polished appearance.

If you need help working out how much seed you’ll need, we have a handy grass seed calculator that will help you figure out just how much is required so you don’t overspend. 

Best grass seed for dogs

For many, one of the big benefits of a lawn is somewhere for a canine pal to run around but there’s no denying the damage they can cause.

One of the less pleasant ways is going to the bathroom, as dog mess contains nitrogen. While in small doses this isn’t a problem, if your dog always chooses a specific spot, the excessive nitrogen will kill grass.

Then there is your dog simply playing! Running around the lawn dislodges sections of grass and digging can compact the soil, making it difficult for new grass to grow. 

We recommend the BS Childs Play or BS Renovator grass seed mix for dog-friendly lawns. Both are hard-wearing so can stand up to more damage and are quick growing if you need to overseed.

We’ve also written a guide on how to repair and avoid damage from dogs should your lawn need a little extra love and care. 

Best grass seed for clay soil

Clay soil can be difficult to grow anything in because it’s slow to drain and prone to waterlogging. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a wonderful lawn in clay soil though, you just need the right grass seed.

The BS Waterlogged and Wet Soils grass seed is perfect for growing grass in clay soil as it can withstand prolonged wet conditions. It uses a mix of hardy varieties such as rough-stalked meadow grass and creeping red fescue which are both famed for their hardiness. 

Best grass seed for wet areas

Wet areas suffer from many of the same issues as clay soil, namely, waterlogging. Most common around buildings or next to rivers and bodies of water, waterlogging is a problem when trying to grow anything as the soil is saturated with water and unable to drain. This limits oxygen supply to the plants and prevents carbon dioxide from being able to diffuse away, which allows for root rot. 

While occasional flooding generally won’t cause any long-term damage, if you live in an area that suffers from prolonged wetness, you need to choose a grass that can cope. As with clay soils, BS Waterlogged and Wet Soils grass seed also works well in waterlogged areas as the name suggests, because of its hardy grass varieties it will grow easily in inhospitable conditions. 

Best grass seed for sandy soil

Sandy soil can be difficult as sand isn’t able to hold water or nutrients well. This makes it difficult for anything planted to be able to get all of the nutrients that it needs to thrive. 

There’s no need to fear though, as with any non-optimal soil, it’s about finding a grass seed mix that suits the soil. The BS coastal sites grass seed mix is made with versatile grass seed that is able to deal with dry, sandy locations and even harsh salt-laden winds!


We hope this article has helped you prepare your lawn with the best possible grass seed for your needs. While some growing conditions can seem intimidating, it’s all about finding the right grass seed mix. You can view our full grass seed range here - including grass seed for sports pitches and paddock grass

If you have any questions at all, our friendly, experienced team is always on hand to help so get in touch!