Wildflower Seed Mixtures 100%
Here at Boston Seeds, we've been supplying high quality wildflower seed mixtures for over twenty years, trusted by The Environment Agency, The National Trust and wildlife charities. We have expertly created a selection of 100% wildflower seed mixtures designed to create beautiful wildflower displays full of pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies, in conjunction with Buglife, our conservation charity partner.
Have you ever looked at a meadow of wildflowers and found yourself awash with a sudden sense of calm? There's definitely something about wildflowers that leave you wanting more. So, if you're keen to create a dense, colourful garden that's rich in variety and attractive to all sorts of critters, then a 100% native wildflower mix from the range below is perfect for you.
Looking for 'instant' results? Our range of ColourMax Annual Flower Seeds contain a blend of native British wildflowers and bold, pollinating species from around the world - sow in April or May for beautiful summer flowers.
Don't hesitate to get in touch to speak to one of our experts or request a catalogue to view our full range. Ordering regularly or looking for large volumes? Click here to apply for a trade account today - we review all applications within one working day.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to create a permanent wildflower meadow on particularly poor quality or acidic soils.
- Contains twenty one British native wildflower species, including Betony, Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil, Ragged Robin and Devil's-bit Scabious.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found on poor acidic soils which tend to be dominated by a mineral or an organic content eg; heath land, peaty soils and moor land areas.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Wildflower seeds for bees. Use this wildflower seed mixture to attract bees, butterflies and other insects. The BSBP 100% Bees & Butterfly Wildflower Seed mix is designed to provide maximum pollen and nectar. Creates a beautiful meadow and wildlife habitat.
- Contains 24 species from the RHS "Perfect For Pollinators" list.
- Also includes 'super-pollinators' borage, sainfoin, red and white clover to encourage a wide range of pollinating insects.
- Inclusion of annuals species provides colour in the first year, plus yellow rattle and wide range of perennial species.
- Perfect for creating a long lasting meadow and wildlife habitat.
- Sow at 3 grams per sq/m - 1kg covers 330sq/m
- Mixture contents and information (Image taken Aug, sown March)

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to establish wildflowers in chalky, calcareous soils. This downland mixture contains mainly perennial species to create a permanent wildflower area.
- Contains twenty three British native wildflower species, including Salad Burnet, Wild Marjoram, Self-heal and Toadflax.
- Species contained in this mixture are typically found in natural chalk and limestone meadows.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to establish wildflowers in areas close to the coast on sandy or calcareous soils.
- Contains nineteen British native wildflower species, including Haresfoot Clover and Evening Primrose.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in coastal areas that contain sandy loams, stony loams or calcareous loams. Able to tolerate moderate salinity.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
You will love BS9P Cornfield Annuals wildflower seed mix if you want bold and beautiful colour. UK native wildflower seed carefully collected and prepared for you. Enjoy nature's bounty and improve the environment.
- Sow in spring or autumn - sprinkle on the soil and cover the seeds by raking or rolling.
- Wonderful habitat for bees and butterflies or just for adding colour to gardens verges, or fields.
- Wildflower species are all recommended by the RHS as 'Plants for Pollinators'
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Contains: Corn chamomile (yellow and white), Corncockle (pink-purple), Cornflower (blue), Corn Marigold (yellow), and Poppy (red).
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
A combination of native wildflower species, farmland crops and 'super' pollinators to create a colourful habitat for birds, pollinators and small mammals. Also suitable for enriching existing grassland to comply with AB8 and GS8.
- Long-lasting, full summer colour
- Bountiful source of pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies and other pollinators
- Provides winter food and shelter for birds and small mammals
- Contains: Gold of Pleasure 5%, Ox Eye Daisy 6%, White Campion 3%, Common Agrimony 5%, Corn Chamomile 5%, Corn Cockle 12%, Cornflower 7%, Corn Marigold 3%, Borage 3%, Buckwheat 10%, 7% Vetch, Dwarf Sunflower 10%, Yellow Blossom Clover 4%, Red Clover 5%, Crimson Clover 5%, Birds Foot Trefoil 5%, Yarrow 5%
- Sow at 3 grams per sq/m – 1kg covers 330 sq/m
- Overseed grassland at 2-3kg per ha for AB8, GS4, GS8

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to create a wildflower meadow on dry and sandy soils. Contains a wide variety of perennial species to create a permanent wildflower meadow.
- Contains twenty four British native wildflower species, including Black Medick, White Campion, Wild Carrot and Forget-me-not.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland on lighter, well-drained soils which tend to be dry in summer, eg; sandy loams, stony loams which crumble to the touch; well drained slopes and embankments.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use the BSXP 100% wildflower seed mixture to create a diverse and colourful wildflower meadow. Contains bold annual species for impact after sowing, as well perennials to provide longevity.
- Contains 28 beautiful wildflower species - corncockle, poppy, selfheal, cowslip, yellow rattle.
- First year colour from 30% of bold cornfield annuals.
- Perennials begin flowering in the second year.
- Developed on our own research and development site.
- Sow at 3 grams per sq/m - 1kg covers 330sq/m
- Mixture contents and information (Image taken July, sown in March)

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Creates a permanent wildflower meadow on heavy clay soils and in low lying, wet areas. Contains mostly perennial wildflower species.
- Contains twenty four British native wildflower species, including Common Agrimony, Betony, Corn Chamomile, and Meadowsweet.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland on heavier soils subject to occasional/seasonal water logging. Suitable for low lying areas on clays and silts, or, locations with poor drainage.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Wildflower seeds for shade. Use this shade wildflower mix to establish wildflowers in areas of semi or partial shade. This includes hedgerows, woodland edges and areas in sunlight for only part of the day.
- Contains twenty two British native wildflower species, including Cowslip, Foxglove, Dark Mullein and Common St John's-Wort.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in hedgerows, woodland edges, clearings and open woods. Can also be sown in partial shade; hedge bottoms, tree plantations and woodland rides.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mix to create a wildflower meadow on wet, loamy soils that retain moisture. Contains perennial species for a permanent meadow.
- Contains twenty three British native wildflower species, including Lady's Bedstraw, Ox-eye Daisy, Greater Knapweed and Common Sorrel.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found on moisture retentive loamy soils, typical of many lowland meadows with free drainage.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to create a permanent wildflower meadow of mostly low growing species. Ideal for flowering lawns or road verges.
- Contains a blend of twenty low growing wildflower species, including Forget Me Not, Yellow Rattle, Cowslip, Bladder Campion and Ragged Robin.
- Formulated to contain only lower growing species, ideal for areas where it is important not to restrict visibility such as alongside roads.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
BSRE Restore & Enrich wildflower seeds mixture contains carefully selected UK native wildflower species. Choose this wildflower seed mix to restore biodiversity and improve habitat. Sow the seed into existing meadows or to brighten up grassy areas.
- The seeds should be sown into the soil not onto grass leaves
- Rake or remove thatch, and reduce thick swards or lawns
- A colourful mixture of twenty-two different annual & perennial wildflowers
- All species are listed by the RHS as 'Plants for Pollinators'.
- Sow at 3 grams per sq/m - 1kg covers 330sq/m
- Mixture contents and information (Image taken Aug, sown March)

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to create a permanent, diverse meadow of perennial wildflowers that can be enjoyed for many years.
- Contains twenty three British native wildflower species, including Meadow Buttercup, Red Campion, Night-Flowering Catchfly and Yellow Rattle.
- This popular mixture will establish easily and contains species frequently found in a diverse range of soil types and habitats.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this mixture to establish wildflowers alongside waterways, ponds and rivers, or in very wet, low lying areas.
- Contains twenty two British native wildflower species, including Water Avens, Yellow-flag Iris, Ragged Robin and Common Sedge.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland alongside streams, ponds and rivers and will also thrive in wet low lying land. Avoid sowing if there is imminent risk of flooding.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Use this wildflower mixture to create habitat for a wide variety of birds. For maximum effect in attracting birds, a number of certified grain bearing plants are included alongside wildflowers.
- Contains fifteen British native wildflower species and five non-native species, including Wild Carrot, Goat's-beard, Field Scabious and Teasel.
- Contains species to attract butterflies, bees and other insects during the summer and produce seeds/grains for wild birds to feed on during the winter months
- Certain seed producing species are annuals and ideally need to be spring sown
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.

Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Woodland wildflower seeds. Use this mixture to establish wildflowers in areas of heavy or dense shade, such as woodland or areas shaded for long periods of the day.
- Contains twenty four British native wildflower species, including Nettle-leaved Bellflower, Bluebell, Meadowsweet and Tufted Vetch.
- Species in this mix are frequently found in wooded areas, alongside woodland edges and where shade may be heavy or prolonged.
- Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.
Wildflower Seed Mixtures from Boston Seeds
All of our 100% wildflower seed mixtures are specially produced or collected from wild meadows, which are then cleaned and carefully filtered before being selected for use (to ensure they contain purely wildflower seeds of UK provenance). Boston Seeds wildflower meadow mixtures are rich and well balanced, with a range of colours, heights and prolonged flowering period to give your garden year round colour.
We also produce specially formulated 100% wildflower seed mixtures to suit different environments; for example, if you want to establish wildflowers around a pond or if you want to grow wildflowers in heavy clay soil - we’ve got you covered.
Whether you're looking for bulk wildflower seed or just a small amount, we've got a range of wildflower seed mix sizes available, from 50g to 5kg.
Bee and Butterfly Friendly Wildflower Seed Mixture
Transform your garden into a paradise for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators by selecting flowers with our bee and butterfly friendly wildflower seed. This 100% wildflower mix has been specifically curated to create a wildflower meadow full of colourful, beautiful, nectar-rich flowers - creating an environment full of life and colour.
Wild Bird Friendly Wildflower Seed Mixture
Our wild bird friendly wildflower seed mix helps you create a bird-friendly garden that is full of colour. Transform your outdoor space with beautiful, vibrant wildflowers that are seed-rich to feed a variety of wild birds throughout the year. Turn your garden into a beautiful bird haven and enjoy watching all the wonderful birds that will visit.
Wetland & Pond Edge Wildflower Seed Mixture
Looking to add some life and colour to the edge of your pond or wetland? Use our wetland and pond edge wild flower seeds to create a wildflower oasis. This wildflower mixture contains wildflowers that thrive in moist, marshy conditions - these water-loving wildflowers add an extra dimension of beauty to your pond or wetland while supporting the environment by creating habitats and food sources for wildlife.
Wildflower Seed for Shaded Areas
Our wildflower seed for shaded areas contains varieties of wildflowers that thrive in low-sunlight conditions. These shade-loving wildflowers are perfect for transforming your hedgerow, woodland, woodland garden, or any area that doesn’t get much sunlight.
Coastal Areas Wildflower Seed
Specifically curated to thrive in salty, sandy and harsh weather conditions - our coastal area wildflower seed helps transform your area by the coast into a vibrant, natural wildflower paradise. Perfect for coastal properties or any area near the sea.
Wildflower Seed Mixtures for Different Soils
Different wildflower species thrive in different soil types; we have curated different wildflower mixtures that are designed to thrive in all soil types including:
- Chalk and Limestone Soil Wildflower Seed
- Dry, Sandy and Loam Soil Wildflower Seed
- Loam & Alluvial Soil Wildflower Seed
- Heavy Clay Soil Wildflower Seed
- Acidic Soil Wildflower Seed
If you want to learn more about the different varieties on offer, check out our Guide to Wildflower Species.
Why Choose a 100% Wildflower Seed Mixtures?
Choosing a 100% wildflower seed mixture is an excellent option for gardeners who want to create a vibrant wildflower meadow that is rich in biodiversity. Wildflower seed mixtures that contain 100% pure seed, with no filler, will provide the best results and ensure that the wildflowers are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
Additionally, 100% wildflower seed mixtures are often more sustainable and require less maintenance than traditional garden plants.
Choosing the Right Quantity of Wildflower Seed
Whether you're just looking for wildflower seed for a small patch or land or looking for large quantities for landscape projects we have a wide range of sizes. At Boston seeds you can buy our wildflower seed in multiple sizes including 50g, 100g, 250g, 1kg and 5kg.
Why choose Boston Seeds?
With over two decades of experience, Boston Seeds is a family-run business with a passion for creating beautiful outdoor spaces with high-quality grass and wildflower seed mixtures.
When buying from Boston Seeds, you are buying:
- Quality assurance: Every one of our wildflower seed mixes has been expertly crafted in conjunction with our wildlife charity partner, Buglife, to ensure they create healthy and vibrant meadows and gardens, maximising the benefit to the natural environment.
- Customer satisfaction: We take pride in providing the best possible service and product for our customers. If you have any questions or concerns, our team is always happy to help.
- Expert advice: We are always on hand to help provide expert advice on planting and sowing your wildflower seeds to ensure you get the best meadow or garden. Take a look at our advice section or get in touch.
- Versatility: Whatever your needs and requirements are, we’ve got the wildflower seed mixture for you. Whether you’re looking for bee-friendly flowers or just beautiful looking flowers, we’ve got you covered.
Wildflower Seed Mixtures 100% FAQs
Do wildflower meadows come back every year?
Some do, some don’t - it will depend on the type of wildflowers you plant. If you plant wildflower perennials, then they will keep flowering year after year without any reseeding. Whereas, wildflower annuals can be sown, germinate, grow, flower and die all in the same season and will not reflower next year. For a long-lasting meadow of perennial species, as well as first year colour from annual wildflowers, choose our unique and exclusive BSXP Dual Purpose Wildflower Seeds - developed on our own research and development grounds and our most popualr mix, year after year.
How to choose the right wildflower seed mix?
The right wildflower seed mix for you will depend on your needs and requirements. Some things to take into account are where you’re planting the seeds, the type of soil you have, the local weather conditions, the wildflowers and the type of meadow you are looking for. If you need help choosing the right wildflower seed mix, then please get in touch and our friendly team will be happy to help.
What are the easiest wildflowers to grow in the UK?
The easiest wildflowers to grow are wildflower annuals such as BS9 Cornfield Annuals as they can be sown, germinate, grow, flower and die all in the same season. Once sown they take around 60-80 days to flower. Read our guide on UK wildflower species.
What time of year do you plant a wildflower meadow?
The best time to plant wildflower seeds to begin your wildflower meadow is spring or autumn, ideally March to May or August to October.
How to establish a wildflower meadow?
To establish a wildflower meadow, you will first need to make sure the ground is properly prepared. Start by raking the surface to make a seedbed. Once the ground is prepared you can evenly scatter your seed over the ground. For best results, avoid using fertiliser.
For more information, read our blog on how to establish a wildflower meadow or garden.
What are the benefits of wildflowers?
Wildflowers offer numerous benefits for the environment, wildlife, and gardeners alike. By planting native wildflower seeds, you can create a vibrant wildflower meadow that attracts pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies, and provides a haven for other wildlife.
Wildflowers also help to create habitats for insects, which can aid in pest control and reduce the need for pesticides. Additionally, wildflowers are often drought-resistant and require less maintenance than traditional garden plants, making them an excellent option for sustainable, low maintenance gardening.
How to grow wildflowers from seeds?
Growing wildflowers from seed is a rewarding experience that adds a touch of natural beauty to your garden. To grow wildflowers from seed, choose a location with suitable soil types and partial shade. Plant wildflower seeds in the spring or fall, and water regularly until germination. Once established, wildflowers require minimal maintenance and can thrive in a variety of conditions. Consider using a wildflower seed mix specifically designed for your region, as this will ensure that the wildflowers are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions.
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