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Countryside Delight Flower Mixture AB8, GS4, GS8

A combination of native wildflower species, farmland crops and 'super' pollinators to create a colourful habitat for birds, pollinators and small mammals. Also suitable for enriching existing grassland to comply with AB8 and GS8.

  • Long-lasting, full summer colour
  • Bountiful source of pollen and nectar for bees and butterflies and other pollinators          
  • Provides winter food and shelter for birds and small mammals
  • Contains: Gold of Pleasure 5%, Ox Eye Daisy 6%, White Campion 3%, Common Agrimony 5%, Corn Chamomile 5%, Corn Cockle 12%, Cornflower 7%, Corn Marigold 3%, Borage 3%, Buckwheat 10%, 7% Vetch, Dwarf Sunflower 10%, Yellow Blossom Clover 4%, Red Clover 5%, Crimson Clover 5%, Birds Foot Trefoil 5%, Yarrow 5%
  • Sow at 3 grams per sq/m – 1kg covers 330 sq/m
  • Overseed grassland at 2-3kg per ha for AB8, GS4, GS8
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