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SFI CNUM2 / NUM2 - Legumes On Improved Grassland

Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) CNUM2 (2024) and NUM2 (2023), Legumes On Improved Grassland, require legumes to be growing from March to September to help manage nutrient efficiency, protect the soil surface and improve soil biology. CNUM2 and NUM2 are static or rotational actions, and can therefore be carried out on the same area of land each year, or can be moved around the farm. One or more legumes can be used to improve existing grassland, or a mix of grass seed and legumes can be sown. 


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SFI/ALM Totational Annual Legume Mix
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CNUM3 | NUM3 - 1 Year Annual Rotational Legume Fallow (CSS6/A)

Use this mix for rotational CNUM3 (2024) and NUM3 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive (Legume Fallow), to establish a mix of vigorous legumes to flower for the summer months of May-August. This mix can also be used for SOH2 and SOH3 (2024) Sustainable Farming Incentive (Multi Species Spring/Summer Sown Cover Crop) to ensure the soil is protected and improve soil structure and biology.

  • Can be sown on a different parcel of land each of the three years of the agreement 
  • Provides valuable food source for beneficial insects and farmland birds 
  • Adds nutrients into the soil and improves soil health and structure 
  • Use for rotational implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow rotational schemes
  • Sow in spring for optimum establishment
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CNUM2 NUM2 NUM3 SOH2 SOH3
  • Contains: 50% Vetch, 15% Linseed, 15% Buckwheat, 7.5% Crimson Clover, 7.5% Berseem Clover, 5% Phacelia
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £85.00
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CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow (CSS6)

Use this mixture for CNUM3 (2024) and NUM3 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive, and Countryside Stewardship AB15 (Legume Fallow), to provide an abundant supply of pollen and nectar for beneficial insects. 

  • Mixture also available containing grass - see CSS6/G
  • Reduces flowering blackgrass and provides an abundant supply of sown pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer for the duration of the agreement.
  • Use for static implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow - sow in the spring or autumn for optimum establishment
  • Use for rotational implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow - sow in the autumn for optimum establishment
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: CNUM2 CNUM3 NUM2 NUM3 
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 55% Common Vetch, 12.5% Crimson Clover, 15% Red Clover, 5% Alsike Clover, 5% Sainfoin, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 2.5% Lucerne, 2.5% Berseem Clover
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £137.00
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CNUM3 | NUM3 | AB15 - 1-3 Year Sown Legume Fallow with Ryegrass (CSS6/G)

Use this mixture for CNUM3 (2024) and NUM3 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive, and Countryside Stewardship AB15 (Legume Fallow), to provide an abundant supply of sown pollen and nectar-rich flowers between early and late summer for the duration of the agreement.

  • Mixture also available without grass - see CSS6
  • The inclusion of ryegrass to reduce flowering blackgrass populations (also available with Timothy or Strong Creeping Red Fescue)
  • Use for static implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow - sow in the spring or autumn for optimum establishment
  • Use for rotational implementation of CNUM3 and NUM3 Legume Fallow - sow in the autumn for optimum establishment
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive: CNUM2 CNUM3 NUM2 NUM3 
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB15 GS8 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 40% Perennial Ryegrass, 35% Common Vetch, 5% Crimson Clover, 5% Red Clover, 5% Sainfoin, 2.5% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 2.5% Lucerne, 2.5% Alsike Clover, 2.5% Berseem Clover 
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg/ha. Pack size: 20kg
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From £121.00
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Alsike Clover Seed
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Alsike Clover Seed

A nitrogen fixing legume which is better adapted to wet, acidic soils and cooler temperatures. Requires shallow sowing and a firm seedbed.

  • Scandinavian origin and better adapted than Red or White Clover to wet acid soils and cooler conditions
  • Growth habit similar to Red Clover
  • Lower yielding of biomass
  • Requires shallow sowing and a firm seedbed
  • Sowing rate: 25kg per acre. Packsize: 25kg
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From £70.00
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Birdsfoot Trefoil Seed (Lotus corniculatus)

A low growing green cover crop which fixes nitrogen and suppresses weeds. Often sown amongst brassica crops.

  • A perennial that gives good yields even on thin calcareous soils.
  • May be grazed by sheep, main use is as a green manure undersown in cereals.
  • Low growth habit makes it useful in vegetable intercropping systems.
  • Sowing rate: 5kg per acre. Pack size: 5kg
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From £140.00
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Lucerne Seed (Medicago sativa)
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Lucerne Seed (Medicago sativa)

Lucerne is a longer term perennial clover which fixes large amounts of nitrogen from the air to enrich the soil.

  • A longer term perennial clover which fixes large quantities of nitrogen
  • Widely used for green manure
  • Large tap root which is ideally suited to light and chalky soils as well as dry climates.
  • Seed is supplied inoculated with rhizobium bacteria
  • Sowing rate: 25kg / ha
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From £245.00
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Red Clover Seed (Trifolium pratense)

Red clover is an aggressive, nitrogen fixing plant which is an effective weed suppressor. Good for improving and aerating soil structure.

  • A shorter term alternative to White Clover, will usually last for two years 
  • An aggressive plant, providing a large mass of green vegetation
  • Fixes large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen which is released once ploughed in
  • Large tap root which penetrates deep into the ground, improving soil structure
  • Sowing rate: 15kg / ha
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From £60.00
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Sainfoin (Agricultural) (Onobrychis vicifolia)

Sainfoin is ideal as a long term cover crop in free draining soils, with strong drought resistance and tolerance of low nitrogen soils.

  • A nitrogen fixing perennial legume with good drought tolerance
  • Excellent high protein forage for horses being very palatable 
  • Copes well with poor nutrient soils and drought conditions
  • Sainfoin leys can be considered to last four years or more
  • Sowing rate: 65-100kg / ha
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From £89.00
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White Clover Seed (Trifolium repens)

White clover is widely used throughout the UK. It is an important element of many silage and grazing mixtures, thanks to its persistence and nitrogen fixing properties.

  • A longer term and more persistent option than Red Clover
  • Very palatable for livestock and high in protein 
  • Continued defoliation stimulates root growth and nitrogen fixation
  • Prefers to be shallow sown into a fine, firm seed bed
  • Sowing rate: 5-10kg / ha
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From £85.00
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