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All Cover Crop Species

Boston Seeds offer the EnviroSeeds range of cover crops seed mixtures and straights, including black oats seed, phacelia seed, berseem clover seed and many more. We welcome enquiries for the species listed below or bespoke mixtures.

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VITTASSO Brown Mustard Seed (Brassica juncea)

Very popular for use in potato rotations to control soil borne pests and can be incorporated into moist soil to maximise biofumigation.

  • Green manure crop with biofumigant properties
  • Winter-hardy, easy to establish, cost effective
  • Reduces wireworm and PCN populations and their effect on potatoes
  • Suppresses Verticillium wilt and Sclerotinia in potato production
  • Sowing Rate: 5kg / ha
  • VITTASSO Brown Mustard Brochure
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From £48.00
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Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum esculentum)

Buckwheat is a fast-growing annual crop, with a dense canopy for excellent weed suppression. Buckwheat scavenges phosphates, helping to reduce leaching. 

  • Rapid establishment and growth make it an ideal short-season crop
  • A dense canopy works efficiently as an excellent weed suppressant
  • Nectar-rich, helping boost pollinators and other beneficial insects
  • Scavenges phosphates from the soil for future crops
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £54.00
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Black Oats Seed (Avena strigosa)

Black oats are becoming a popular choice with growers for catch and cover crops. Rapid growth and high biomass make it an option for biogas production.

  • Rapid establishment - faster than conventional oats or rye
  • Produces an excellent root network ground cover to reduce soil erosion
  • High biomass makes it an option for biogas production in AD plants
  • Upright growth habit makes it an ideal companion for Vetches. Not winter hardy
  • Sowing rate: 30 - 50kg / ha
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From £54.00
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White Mustard Seed (Sinapsis alba)

White mustard has extensive root development and an impressive yield of dry matter. If not incorporated, surviving plants are usually killed by winter frosts.

  • Fast and easy to establish providing rapid ground cover and weed suppression
  • Rapid breakdown of organic material after incorporation releases nutrients
  • Extensive root development protects soil from errosion and breaks compaction
  • Cost effective solution for using with crop rotations
  • Sowing rate: 15kg / ha
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From £56.00
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Red Clover Seed (Trifolium pratense)

Red clover is an aggressive, nitrogen fixing plant which is an effective weed suppressor. Good for improving and aerating soil structure.

  • A shorter term alternative to White Clover, will usually last for two years 
  • An aggressive plant, providing a large mass of green vegetation
  • Fixes large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen which is released once ploughed in
  • Large tap root which penetrates deep into the ground, improving soil structure
  • Sowing rate: 15kg / ha
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From £60.00
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Spring Vetch Seed (Vicia sativa)

Spring vetch is a nitrogen fixing legume which due to its larger seed size can be sown later in the year than most other legumes.

  • Fast establishing legume which is an excellent weed suppressor 
  • Vetches provide large amounts of nitrogen which is available to the following crop
  • A vigorous trailing/climbing annual legume that does best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a mixture with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £64.00
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Sunflower Seed (Helianthus annuus)

Sunflowers are another great option when it comes to cover crops, whether used straight or in a mixture to produce combined benefits.

  • Standard tall variety.
  • Excellent nectar rich flowers provide food for pollinators.
  • Dead flower heads provide an ideal overwintering habitat for pollinators. 
  • Frequently sown as part of a game cover mixture or with Kale.
  • Sowing rate: 5kg per acre.
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From £84.00
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Linseed Seed (Linum usitatissimum)

A high yielding, shorter stem variety - a popular option for spring sowings to help control black grass and broad leaved weeds.

  • Very quick and early to mature, generating excellent yields
  • Strong reputation for producing high yields in following wheat crops
  • Performs well on thin soils. Not frost hardy
  • Provides interest well into the winter, particularly sown with other species
  • Sowing Rate: 50kg / ha
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From £70.00
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Alsike Clover Seed
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Alsike Clover Seed

A nitrogen fixing legume which is better adapted to wet, acidic soils and cooler temperatures. Requires shallow sowing and a firm seedbed.

  • Scandinavian origin and better adapted than Red or White Clover to wet acid soils and cooler conditions
  • Growth habit similar to Red Clover
  • Lower yielding of biomass
  • Requires shallow sowing and a firm seedbed
  • Sowing rate: 25kg per acre. Packsize: 25kg
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From £70.00
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BS Westerwolds Ryegrass Seed - 1-2 yrs Ley Mixture

Annual form of ryegrass

  • Produces large amounts of biomass in short space of time
  • Suitable for silage, hay production, grazing and green manure
  • Can be sown from spring through to autumn
  • Sowing rate: 15kg per acre
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From £70.00
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NACRE Winter Vetch Seed (Vicia sativa)

NACRE winter vetch is ideal for both Autumn or Spring sowing with superior establishment and frost tolerance. Strong nitrogen fixing properties and excellent resistance to disease.

  • Superior establishment and fast growth act as an excellent weed suppressor
  • Produces large amounts of nitrogen, which break down easily for the following crop
  • Annual legume that performs best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a companion crop with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £74.00
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LIFAGO Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum tataricum)

LIFAGO buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is a different species to conventional buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) - particularly suited to grow as a companion crop with oilseed rape.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Rapid establishment and high vigour
  • Creates a dense canopy to protect the oilseed rape plants
  • Smaller seeded and easier to drill with oilseed rape than standard buckwheat
  • Scavenges phosphates from the soil for future crops
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Sowing rate: c.10kg/ha as a companion crop
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From £75.00
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Black Medick (Yellow Trefoil) Seed (Medicago lupulina)
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Black Medick (Yellow Trefoil) Seed (Medicago lupulina)

A low growing green cover crop which fixes nitrogen and suppresses weeds. Often sown amongst brassica crops.

  • A biennial/annual legume that gives good yields even on thin calcareous soils
  • Few legumes outperform medic in soil-saving and soil-building
  • May be grazed by sheep, main use is as a green manure undersown in cereals
  • Low growth habit makes it useful in vegetable intercropping systems
  • Sowing rate: 12kg / ha
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From £78.00
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Blue Lupin (Lupinus augustifolious)

Lupin is a highly efficient nitrogen fixer with a very aggressive taproot which grows deep into the soil and retrieves nutrients usually unavailable to other species. 

  • Deep taproot breaks soil compaction and retrieves nutrients 
  • Well adapted for acid soils but grows in soils up to pH 8
  • Highly efficient at fixing nitrogen and extracting phosphorus from the soil 
  • Can be cut for hay and high quality silage
  • Sowing rate: 25kg/ha
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From £79.00
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BS Italian Ryegrass Seed Blend - 1-2 yrs Ley Mixture

Blend of three Italian Ryegrass varieties

  • Includes two diploid and one tetraploid variety
  • Up to two years of intensive cutting and high yields
  • Responds very quickly to the application of fertiliser
  • Suitable for spring or autumn sowing, ideal for anaerobic digestion
  • Versatile short term mixture
  • Sowing rate: 15kg per acre
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From £79.00
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White Clover Seed (Trifolium repens)

White clover is widely used throughout the UK. It is an important element of many silage and grazing mixtures, thanks to its persistence and nitrogen fixing properties.

  • A longer term and more persistent option than Red Clover
  • Very palatable for livestock and high in protein 
  • Continued defoliation stimulates root growth and nitrogen fixation
  • Prefers to be shallow sown into a fine, firm seed bed
  • Sowing rate: 5-10kg / ha
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From £85.00
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Oil Radish Seed (Raphanus sativus)

Fodder Radish is a quick growing cover crop which scavenges nitrogen, produces large amount of organic matter and improves soil structure.

  • Quick growing, produces high organic matter in short periods
  • Suppresses weeds and deep roots benefit soil structure
  • Ideal as a green manure crop sown in early autumn
  • Effective as a standalone green cover or in mixtures
  • Sowing rate: 15-25kg / ha
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From £86.00
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Crimson Clover Seed (Trifolium incarnatum)

Crimson clover is a brightly coloured legume which attracts a large numbers of insects. Tolerant of poor soils provided they are alkaline and free draining. 

  • Excellent weed suppressor, fast establishing and good nitrogen fixer
  • Lower yields of biomass than Red Clover but has much shorter growing period
  • Biomass degrades very quickly in the soil releasing nutrients for future crops
  • Will over-winter in Southern England for autumn sowing and spring incorporation
  • Sowing rate: 15kg / ha
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From £86.00
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Sainfoin (Agricultural) (Onobrychis vicifolia)

Sainfoin is ideal as a long term cover crop in free draining soils, with strong drought resistance and tolerance of low nitrogen soils.

  • A nitrogen fixing perennial legume with good drought tolerance
  • Excellent high protein forage for horses being very palatable 
  • Copes well with poor nutrient soils and drought conditions
  • Sainfoin leys can be considered to last four years or more
  • Sowing rate: 65-100kg / ha
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From £89.00
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Borage Seed (Borago officinalis)

Borage is a nectar rich, annual flower which produces abundant amounts of easily broken down material that can be incorporated into the soil.

  • Nectar rich helping to boost pollinator numbers to benefit future crops
  • Rapid breakdown once incorporated into the soil, releasing accessible nutrients 
  • Deep taproots break apart soil compaction helping improve drainage and aeration 
  • Wide fibrous root network protects soil from erosion 
  • Sowing rate: 12.5kg / ha
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From £90.00
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TABOR Berseem Clover Seed (Trifolium alexandrinum)

Tabor berseem clover is an annual, nitrogen-fixing legume often used in forage or green manures and as a key variety for companion cropping with oilseed rape.

  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • The only single-cut berseem clover variety - does not regrow after frost kill
  • Compatible in seed mixtures with grass and legumes
  • Nitrogen fixing legume with rapid growth and establishment
  • Sow from spring to early autumn. Not frost tolerant
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): IPM3
  • Sowing rate: 15kg/ha.
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From £94.00
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Phacelia Seed (Phacelia tanacetifolia)

Phacelia is a prolific seed producer, very fast to establish and an excellent source of pollen and nectar. This makes it attractive to both insects and wild birds.

  • A popular green manure crop which is an excellent weed suppressor
  • Establishes fast and matures within 10-12 weeks
  • Produces a large root mass making the plant an excellent soil improver
  • Will produce a multitude of flowers - loved by bees and other insects
  • Sowing rate: 5-8kg / ha
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From £114.00
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DAIKON Tillage Radish Seed (Raphanus sativus)

DAIKON is a deep rooted tillage radish variety which creates a broad canopy to suppress weeds and improves soil structure with a large tap root. 

  • Large tap root breaks through soil pans and adds biomass to soil
  • Tap root grows up to 35cm long and 2-5cm in width
  • Broad canopy covers soil surface well to suppress weeds
  • Sowing period: July until end of August
  • Sowing rate: 15-25kg / ha (sow at 15kg / ha for maximum root development)
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From £114.00
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BINGO Purple Vetch Seed (Vicia atropurpurea)

BINGO purple vetch is an exciting development in short term cover cropping and establishes quickly producing good levels of bio-mass. Purple vetch is very susceptible to frost and will be removed quickly when temperatures drop below freezing. 

  • Very frost sensitive
  • Fast to establish
  • Nitrogen fixing
  • Suites early autumn sowings 
  • Sowing rate: 20kg / ha
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From £114.00
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If you'd like more information, don't hesitate to get in touch on 01205 280069 or email [email protected].