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Bees and Butterfly Wildflower Seed BSBP 100%

Wildflower seeds for bees. Use this wildflower seed mixture to attract bees, butterflies and other insects. The BSBP 100% Bees & Butterfly Wildflower Seed mix is designed to provide maximum pollen and nectar. Creates a beautiful meadow and wildlife habitat.

  • Contains 24 species from the RHS "Perfect For Pollinators" list.
  • Also includes 'super-pollinators' borage, sainfoin, red and white clover to encourage a wide range of pollinating insects.
  • Inclusion of annuals species provides colour in the first year, plus yellow rattle and wide range of perennial species.
  • Perfect for creating a long lasting meadow and wildlife habitat.
  • Sow at 3 grams per sq/m - 1kg covers 330sq/m
  • Mixture contents and information (Image taken Aug, sown March)
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Mixture Specification

  Common Name Latin Name Quantity Flowers Height Type
1 Agrimony, Common Agrimonia eupatoria 1% Jun - Sep 50-150cm Perennial
2 Borage Borago officinalis 7% Aug-Sep 60-80cm Annual
3 Clary, Wild Salvia verbenaca 4% May-Aug 30-40cm Perennial
4 Clover, Red Trifolium pratense 3% May-Sep 20-60cm Perennial
5 Clover, White Trifolium repens 1% Jun-Sep 15-20cm Perennial
6 Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago 8% May-Aug 50-70cm Annual
7 Cornflower Centaurea cyanus 6% Jun-Oct 20-80cm Annual
8 Daisy, Ox-eye Leucanthemum vulgare 5% May-Sep 20-100cm Perennial
9 Foxglove, Wild Digitalis purpurea 3% Jun-Aug 50-100cm Biennial
10 Knapweed, Common Centaurea nigra 6% Jun-Sep 30-80cm Perennial
11 Knapweed, Greater Centaurea scabiosa 5% Jun-Sep 50-90cm Perennial
12 Loosestrife, Purple Lythrum salicaria 1% Jun-Sep 100-200cm Perennial
13 Marjoram, Wild Origanum vulgare 1% Jul-Oct 20-50cm Perennial
14 Meadow Cranesbil Geranium pratense 1% May-Aug 40-60cm Perennial
15 Musk Mallow Malva moschata 5% May-Sep 20-150cm Perennial
16 Poppy, Common Papaver rhoeas 5% May-Jul 50-70cm Annual
17 Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi 2% May-Aug 30-90cm Perennial
18 Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia 7% Jul-Sep 30-40cm Perennial
19 Scabious, Field Knautia arvensis 7% Jul-Sep 30-200cm Perennial
20 Scabious, Small Scabiosa columbaria 3% Jul-Aug 20-60cm Perennial
21 Teasel Dipsacus fullonum 1% Jul-Aug 100-200cm Biennial
22 Trefoil, Bird's-foot Lotus corniculatus 2% Jun-Aug 10-40cm Perennial
23 Vetch, Kidney Anthyllis vulneraria 2% May-Oct 15-50cm Perennial
24 Viper's Bugloss Echium vulgare 2% May-Oct 50-100cm Biennial
25 Yarrow Achillea millefolium 5% Jun-Oct 20-100cm Perennial
26 Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor 7% Jun-Sep 20-50cm Annual

BSBP Mixture Contents


What are the benefits of having bees and butterflies in your garden?


Bees and butterflies are vital to our ecosystem, to help pollinate crops, control pests and improve the overall quality of plants and crops. 

The world’s food production is deeply reliant on insects for pollination. Creating a wildflower meadow in your garden or open space can help support the bees and butterflies population and therefore help local agriculture thrive. 

If you are a keen gardener, bees and butterflies bring many benefits to your garden, by enhancing the quality and appearance of your plants (including fruits and vegetables in your grow them!). 

A colourful, rich garden full of wildflowers, bees and butterflies can be great for your mental health, by creating a soothing, relaxing experience. Enjoying nature has been proven to provide multiple health benefits, including reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, easing anxiety and elevating your mood.

How to sow bee and butterfly wildflower seed?


Plant bee and butterfly friendly wildflowers are simple. Choose a sunny spot in your garden or meadow and make sure to prepare the area (by removing weeds, debris and preparing the ground). 

Choose a seed mixture designed to produce bee and butterfly friendly wildflowers, such as our Bee and Butterfly Wildflower Seed BSBP 100%. Scatter the mixture on bare soil and lightly rake the soil to distribute the seeds to a depth of around 0.5cm. If the soil is dry make sure to keep it moist. 

How to create a bee and butterfly friendly garden?


Creating a bee-friendly garden is a wonderful way to support these vital pollinating insects. By incorporating a variety of flowering plants that attract bees, you can provide a haven for these important creatures. Here are some tips for creating a bee-friendly garden:

  1. Choose a variety of flowers: Select a mix of native wildflowers to attract different bee species. This diversity ensures a continuous supply of nectar and pollen throughout the growing season.
  2. Mix annuals and perennials wildflowers: Planting both annuals and perennials wildflowers guarantees that your garden will have flowers blooming from early spring to late winter, providing a constant source of food for bees.
  3. Incorporate different flower shapes and sizes: Different bee species are attracted to various flower shapes and sizes. Sowing a range of wildflower seeds will appeal to a broader spectrum of bees.
  4. Avoid pesticides: Pesticides can harm or kill bees. Opt for natural pest control methods to keep your garden safe for pollinators.
  5. Provide water sources: Bees need water to drink. Place a shallow dish or birdbath filled with water in your garden to help them stay hydrated.
  6. Create bee hotels for solitary bees: Consider building a bee hotel or leaving some bare soil surface for solitary bees to nest in. These habitats are crucial for the survival of many bee species.