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EuroGrass Pro Fescue Grass Seed
EuroGrass Pro Fescue is a classic golf grass seed blend of 50% Chewing's Fescue and 50% Slender Creeping Red Fescue. Demonstrates excellent shoot density and drought tolerance for outstanding fine turf surfaces.
- Exceptionally fine-leaved varieties for smooth and fast greens
- Excellent year-round colour and disease resistance
- The professional choice for golf greens, fairways and bowling greens
- Mowing height: down to 5mm
- Sow at 25-50grams per sq/m - 20kg covers 400-800sq/m
Mixture Specification
25% RAMONA/FILIUS Chewing's Fescue
25% EUROCARINA Chewing's Fescue
25% EUROMARIE Slender Creeping Red Fescue
25% CATHERINE Slender Creeping Red Fescue
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About Us
Boston Seeds is an independent seed merchant founded in 2002 by Andrew Wallis, after 25 years working for some of Europe’s leading seed houses. Find out more about Boston Seeds.

Here at Boston Seeds, we take quality seriously, and genuinely want every one of our customers to be delighted with their purchase and results. Learn more about our quality assurance.

We are proud to offer a wide range of products on a next day delivery service across most of the UK, from just a few grams to hundreds of kilograms.