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Vetch Cover Crops

A nitrogen fixing cover crop which breaks down quickly once incorporated. Excellent used on its own or as a companion to black oats or rye to offer a range of benefits for your planned crop rotations.We welcome enquiries for bespoke mixtures and have expert staff on hand to offer advice. 

Don't hesitate to get in touch to speak to one of our experts or request a catalogue to view our full range. Ordering regularly or looking for large volumes? Click here to apply for a trade account today - we review all applications within one working day.

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Spring Vetch Seed (Vicia sativa)

Spring vetch is a nitrogen fixing legume which due to its larger seed size can be sown later in the year than most other legumes.

  • Fast establishing legume which is an excellent weed suppressor 
  • Vetches provide large amounts of nitrogen which is available to the following crop
  • A vigorous trailing/climbing annual legume that does best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a mixture with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £60.00
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BINGO Purple Vetch Seed (Vicia atropurpurea)

BINGO purple vetch is an exciting development in short term cover cropping and establishes quickly producing good levels of bio-mass. Purple vetch is very susceptible to frost and will be removed quickly when temperatures drop below freezing. 

  • Very frost sensitive
  • Fast to establish
  • Nitrogen fixing
  • Suites early autumn sowings 
  • Sowing rate: 20kg / ha
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Vetch Seed (Vicia sativa) - (Organic)

Vetch will fix substantial amounts of nitrogen, which is easily accessible for future crops. Vigorous spring growth suppresses weeds and protects the soil from erosion. 

  • Fast establishing legume which is an excellent weed suppressor
  • Provides substantial amounts of nitrogen which is available to the following crop
  • A vigorous legume that does best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a mixture with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £149.00
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VILLANA Hairy Vetch Seed (Vicia villosa)
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Hairy Vetch Seed (Vicia villosa)

Hairy vetch fix substantial amounts of nitrogen, which is easily accessible for future crops. Vigorous spring growth suppresses weeds and protects the soil from erosion. 

  • Fast establishing legume which is an excellent weed suppressor
  • Provides substantial amounts of nitrogen which is available to the following crop
  • A vigorous legume that does best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a mixture with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £138.00
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NACRE Winter Vetch Seed (Vicia sativa)

NACRE winter vetch is ideal for both Autumn or Spring sowing with superior establishment and frost tolerance. Strong nitrogen fixing properties and excellent resistance to disease.

  • Superior establishment and fast growth act as an excellent weed suppressor
  • Produces large amounts of nitrogen, which break down easily for the following crop
  • Annual legume that performs best on dry, alkaline soils
  • Commonly sown as a companion crop with Forage Rye
  • Sowing rate: 50kg / ha
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From £74.00
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