Cereals Cover Crops
Cereal cover crops can be seeded later in the year than other cover crops. Producing considerable dry matter and reducing nitrate leaching while suppressing weeds, cereals are especially easy to establish on poor quality soils. Can be sown as straights or in a mix with nitrogen-fixing crops or fast-growing brassica species.
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Boston Seeds are proud to supply the EnviroSeeds range for biodiversity and sustainable farming.
Black oats are becoming a popular choice with growers for catch and cover crops. Rapid growth and high biomass make it an option for biogas production.
- Rapid establishment - faster than conventional oats or rye
- Produces an excellent root network ground cover to reduce soil erosion
- High biomass makes it an option for biogas production in AD plants
- Upright growth habit makes it an ideal companion for Vetches. Not winter hardy
- Sowing rate: 30 - 50kg / ha

Boston Seeds are proud to supply the EnviroSeeds range for biodiversity and sustainable farming.
This fastest growing rye, POWERGREEN is a high yielding variety which can grow at the lower temperatures, making it ideal for late sowing or early harvests.
- Fast initial development, high tillering and high output
- Good growth in cold conditions, excellent winter hardiness
- High nitrogen uptake throughout autumn
- Sow in autumn for incorporation and use in the spring
- Sowing rate: 150kg / ha
Triticale produces long straw with an excellent resistance to lodging. Impressive root development extracts nutrients from deep in the soil profile.
- A wheat/rye hybrid cereal providing good cover and feed in low fertility areas.
- Clean crop with a low susceptibility to fusarium and ergot
- Resistant to attack from rabbits
- Higher grain yield than other leading varieties
- Sowing rate: 100kg / ha
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