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Lawn Care Diary Advice & Tips

Keeping a lawn maintenance schedule throughout the year can seem like a difficult task, but with a bit of forward planning it really doesn’t need to be. 

Over the years, we’ve come across a lot of tips and tricks to help you keep your lawn in great health whatever the season. From our January lawn care guide through to December, here you’ll find lots of useful lawn maintenance tips to help you out. Whether you’re keen to find out how to keep your lawn healthy in February or you want to know how to keep your lawn hydrated and nourished in the hotter summer months, we’ve got you covered.  

Our lawn care diary helps you plan in advance the best time to start aerating your lawn as well as the right time to plant grass seeds and start mowing your lawn. These guides are perfect for new gardeners who are feeling slightly overwhelmed by lawn maintenance, as well as those who want to make sure they’re doing everything they can to maintain their lawn health all year round.

If you find you still have questions about monthly lawn care you can contact us here, whatever the season, and we’ll be more than happy to help.

January Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds January Lawn Care Tips When it comes to lawn care, January might seem like the time of year to sit back and leave your grass well alone. Learn more February Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds February Lawn Care Tips With the first signs of Spring starting to show, February can be a challenging month for lawn care. Here are a few tips to help get you started. Learn more March Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds March Lawn Care Tips Many people see March as the beginning of the lawn care calendar, but it can be a mixed month. Here's our guide to March lawn maintenance. Learn more April Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds April Lawn Care Tips The warmer weather brings with it new challenges and there are a whole host of tasks for a gardening enthusiast to tackle in the earlier spring months of the lawn care calendar. Learn more May Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds May Lawn Care Tips As we creep into summer, the temperate weather is perfect for getting out in the garden and setting your lawn up for the warmer months. Learn more June lawn maintenance tips - Boston Seeds June Lawn Care Tips Summer should now be in full swing! But as a result, maintaining a healthy lawn can be tricky. Here, we share some handy June lawn maintenance tips to help you make the best of it. Learn more July Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds July Lawn Care Tips As we move into what is often the warmest month of the year, keeping a lush green lawn can be difficult, but it needn't be! Learn more August Lawn Care Tips & Maintenance - Boston Seeds August Lawn Care Tips August is a great month for enjoying your lawn, it's also a great time to start making preparations for autumn and repairing any lawn damage caused by the warmer summer months. Learn more Autumn lawn care tips - Boston Seeds September Lawn Care Tips As autumn sets in, it's easy to start forgetting about your garden as the weather gets cooler, but there couldn't be a better month for tending to your lawn in preparation for the following year. Learn more October Lawn Care Tips - Autumn Lawn Maintenance - Boston Seeds October Lawn Care Tips October is the perfect time to get your lawn in order ready for the winter months. Here, we'll offer up some useful autumn lawn maintenance advice to help make sure your garden looks its best all year round. Learn more November Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds November Lawn Care Tips As the frosty and wet weather starts to set in, November can seem like the time to just sit back and leave your lawn alone, but there are many things that can be done to make sure it's in tip top condition ready for spring. Learn more December Lawn Care Tips - Boston Seeds December Lawn Care Tips December can be a difficult month for lawn care, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that can be done to prepare your garden for spring. Learn more