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Wetland & Pond Edge Wildflower Seed BS6P 100%

Use this mixture to establish wildflowers alongside waterways, ponds and rivers, or in very wet, low lying areas.

  • Contains twenty two British native wildflower species, including Water Avens, Yellow-flag Iris, Ragged Robin and Common Sedge.
  • Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland alongside streams, ponds and rivers and will also thrive in wet low lying land. Avoid sowing if there is imminent risk of flooding.
  • Sow at 3 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 330 sq/m
  • Click this link for mixture contents and information.
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Mixture Specification

  Common Name Latin Name Quantity Flowers Height Type
1 Agrimony, Hemp Eupatorium cannabinum 1% Jul - Sep 60 - 150cm Perennial
2 Angelica, Wild Angelica sylvestris 8% Jul - Aug 100 - 200cm Perennial
3 Avens, Water Geum rivale 3% May - Aug 50 - 70cm Perennial
4 Bedstraw, Hedge Galium mollugo 6% Jun - Oct 10 - 50cm Perennial
5 Bedstraw, Lady's Galium verum 6% Jun - Sep 50 - 80cm Perennial
6 Buttercup, Meadow Ranunculus acris 8% May - Jun 30 - 100cm Perennial
7 Campion, Red Silene dioica 7% Apr - Sep 60 - 90cm Perennial
8 Figwort Scrophularia nodosa 1% Jun - Sep 35 - 80cm Perennial
9 Gypsywort Lycopus europaeus 2% Jul - Sep 60 - 100cm Perennial
10 Hard Rush Juncus inflexus 3% Jun - Sep 35 - 60cm Perennial
11 Iris, Yellow-Flag Iris pseudacorus 10% Jun - Sep 60 - 100cm Perennial
12 Loosestrife, Purple Lythrum salicaria 2% Jun - Sep 100 - 200cm Perennial
13 Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria 7% Jun - Aug 80 - 200cm Perennial
14 Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi 4% May - Aug 30 - 90cm Perennial
15 Scabious, Devil's-bit Succisa pratensis 4% Jul - Sep 50 - 80cm Perennial
16 Sedge, Pendulous Carex pendula 4% May - Aug 80 - 100cm Perennial
17 Self-heal Prunella vulgaris 9% Jun - Sep 15 - 30cm Perennial
18 Sneezewort Achillea ptarmica 3% Jul - Sep 40 - 60cm Perennial
19 Soft Rush Juncus effusus 3% Jun 45 - 100cm Perennial
20 St John's-wort, Sq. Stem Hypericum tetrapterum 2% Jun - Sep 60 - 100cm Perennial
21 Trefoil, Greater Bird's-foot Lotus uliginosus 4% Jun - Aug 20 - 60cm Perennial
22 Vetch, Tufted Vicia cracca 3% Jun - Sep 100 - 150cm Perennial

BS6P Mixtue Contents