Wildflower Plants A to Z
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Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
A rambling, hairless hedge plant, which produces clusters of tiny, star-shaped flowers in fresh white. Noted for its sweet scent, this vigorous wildflower can grow quite tall when clambering alongside hedges and shrubs.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30–75cm.
- Flowers: July-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained, calcarerous
- Light Requirement: Partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Woodlands, grasslands, hedgebanks
- Also known as: False Baby’s Breath, Whip Tongue, Wild Madder
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The Lady’s Bedstraw is a hardy, sprawing plant which bears vast whorls and clusters of tiny golden flowers. It also boasts a distinct and sweet scent, even when dried: its unusual name originates from its use to scent bedding in Victorian times.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 15-30cm.
- Flowers: June-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Grassy meadows, road verges, clifftops and hills
- Also known as: Maiden’s Hair, Fenwort, Cheese Rennet
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
As its name suggests, the Clustered Bellflower sprouts dense bursts of vivid violet-blue flowers. Each flower is its own brilliant bouquet, on top of being hardy and attractive to bees and butterflies!
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30–75cm.
- Flowers: June-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained, chalky
- Light Requirement: Partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Grasslands, coastal cliffs
- Also known as: Dane’s Blood
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Though named for its nettle-like leaves, one mustn’t overlook the beauty of this bloom’s bells of pale, bluish-purple petals. Best planted in a dry, shady spot.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 50–100cm.
- Flowers: June-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Woodlands, hedgebanks
- Also known as: Blue Devils, Gloves Of Mary, Throatwort
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Betony flowers bloom in spikes of rich wine red and purple, alongside distinct and attractive foliage. Its flowers are also known to attract bees and butterflies and they used to be planted in churchyards for spiritual protection. They grow well in any light, with an affinity for damp soil.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30-60cm.
- Flowers: June-August
- Soil Requirement: Moist but well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Grassy meadows, river banks
- Also known as: Bishops’s Wort, Wood Betony, Common Hedgenettle
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
A smaller species of burnet with miniature, round red flowers growing in clusters, as well as edible toothed leaves which are pleasantly scented when crushed.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 20-50cm.
- Flowers: May-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Chalky grasslands
- Also known as: Garden Burnet, Pimpernelle, Toper’s Plant
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
So-named for their swollen underground stem, the bulbous buttercup is a more widespread variant of the iconic glossy-yellow springtime wildflower. Thrives in acidic soil, with good sunlight to best bring out its golden glow.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30–45cm.
- Flowers: March-June
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Meadows, grasslands, road verges
- Also known as: Frogs-Foot, Goldcup
The Creeping Buttercup has classic charm, with glossy yellow, five-petalled flowers on short stems covered with fine hairs. A natural attractant for pollinators, and it adds a wonderful golden glow to lawns, paths, and spots with loamy soil.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 20-50cm.
- Flowers: May-September
- Soil Requirement: Moist
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Damp grasslands, gardens, pastures
- Also known as: Lantern Leaves, Ram's Claws, Sit-Fast
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The Meadow Buttercup is the tallest-growing of the buttercups, with a slight preference for damper ground. These bright and buttery, bowl-shaped blooms make an amazing addition to meadows!
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30–90cm.
- Flowers: May-September
- Soil Requirement: Moist but well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Meadows, grasslands, road verges
- Also known as: Butter Daisy, Goldweed, Meadow Cup
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
An unusual yet distinct variant of campion, which has grey-tinted foliage and grows drooping, fresh white bladders veined with purple, and five-petalled flowers. A plant with a subtle, withdrawn beauty that also attracts bees and butterflies.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 20–60cm.
- Flowers: June-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Meadows, open forests, hedgerows
- Also known as: Cowbell, Maiden’s Tears
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
In spite of its name, the Red Campion boasts eye-catching fuschia petals, though planted with White Campion, they may produce precious, pastel-pink hybrids. Regardless, they make a welcome splash of colour in a shady spot, and they’re highly attractive to bees!
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30-60cm.
- Flowers: April-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Partial Shade
- Natural Habitat: Hedgerows, woodlands
- Also known as: Hare’s Eye, Ragged Jack, Adder’s Flower
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
A coastal campion. Grows a bladder-like calyx coloured in coral, ending in bubbly white flowers which look brilliant washing over a rockery like sea foam.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 15–30cm.
- Flowers: June-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained, sandy
- Light Requirement: Full sun or partial shade
- Natural Habitat: Coastal areas, cliffs
- Also known as: Sea Pink, Seaside Catchfly
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
This pristine white, five petalled perennial is also well known for producing a clovey scent at dusk, not only making it perfect for pollinators, but also making for a lovely plant indoors.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30-60cm.
- Flowers: May-October
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Partial Shade
- Natural Habitat: Roadside verges, hedgerows
- Also known as: Bull Rattle, White Cockle, White Robin
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
This well-known umbellifer is simple in its beauty, but generous, producing pleasing feathered foliage as well as fountains of foamy white florets, often with a dark red central flower. They're surprisingly eye-catching, making a bold statement in a wild meadow!
- Type: Biennial
- Height: 30-40cm
- Flowers: June-October
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Cliff sides, grasslands, roadsides
- Also known as: Queen Anne’s Lace
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The Common Cat's-Ear is a must-have for meadows, providing a scattering of sunny yellow blooms which return year after year, all while attracting pollinators and being relatively easy to take care of- they simply are the cat's pajamas!
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30-45cm.
- Flowers: May-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun or part shade
- Natural Habitat: Roadsides, grasslands
- Also known as: Flatweed, False Dandelion
This spindly-white snowflake of a flower have a dainty beauty to them, especially on their pink-tinted, drooping stalks. They’re night-scented flowers, which means that they’re ideal for pollinators.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 25–60cm.
- Flowers: May-July
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained, dry
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Coastal areas, cliffs, grasslands
- Also known as: Sea Pink, Seaside Catchfly
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The Corn Chamomile's daisy-like flowers are well-known for their attractive aroma that's been compared to apples, and make them perfect for pollinators. A flower that's easy to care for, with a lot more charm hiding beneath its simple appearance.
- Type: Annual
- Height: 20-30cm.
- Flowers: May-July
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Grasslands
- Also known as: Mayweed, Field Chamomile
An amazingly aromatic alternative to common grass or daisy lawns, this low-growing, daisy-like flowers make for a pleasing ground cover that is easy to maintain once established, but sensitive to trampling. Plant plugs in full sunlight at least 10cm apart.
- Type: Annual
- Height: 10–20cm.
- Flowers: June-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Lawns, grasslands
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
The Chicory is a perfect mix of energetic colour and grace, producing feathery, sky blue petals on thin, branching stems. In addition to making a creative climber, the Chicory’s roots have also seen a wide range of culinary uses, especially as an alternative to coffee - but we think the beauty of its bold blooms are enough of a boost!
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 30–90cm.
- Flowers: June-October
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Fields, road verges
- Also known as: Blue Dandelion, French Endive, Succory
Imagine a midsummer meadow rife with the Meadow Clary’s tall-growing spikes of striking indigo flowers! Though they’re now a rare sight in the wild, this handsome and hardy clump-growing plant is a sight to behold, on its own or at the back of a border. Noted for its soft foliage, which is aromatic when crushed.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 80–100cm.
- Flowers: May-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Dry grassland, hay meadows, grassy paths
- Also known as: Meadow Sage
Clover plants are an essential and easy-to-grow part of a spring meadow, yet the unique beauty of their spiky, carmine red flower heads and namesake trefoil leaves are often overlooked. Scatter them in a lawn or a flower bed for a vibrant accent to other plants.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 10-20cm.
- Flowers: May-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Grasslands, roadsides
- Also known as: Beebread, Cow Clover
A hardy, creeping lawn flower best known for its 3-lobed leaves, but its pom-poms of tinted white petals make for an excellent lawn flower, and carry the faint smell of honey. Easy to grow in any environment.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 10-20cm.
- Flowers: May-September
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Grasslands, roadsides
- Also known as: Dutch Clover, Ladino Clover
Plants for Pollinators highlights plants selected by the RHS as scientifically proven to tackle the declines in bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Producing magenta and white petals, interspersed with rich indigo veins, these tall, hairy stems of summertime splendour make for a magical meadow flower, especially planted alongside poppies or ox-eye daisies.
- Type: Annual
- Height: 60-120cm.
- Flowers: June-August
- Soil Requirement: Well-drained, sandy
- Light Requirement: Full sun
- Natural Habitat: Grasslands, roadsides
- Also known as: Cat’s Eyes, Kiss-Me-Quick
Pure-white, delicate flowers standing proud on long feathered stems commonly found in roadsides and meadows. These umbrella-like clusters grow rapidly in the warm summer months and are home to an abundant supply of bees and pollinators.
- Type: Perennial
- Height: 60-90cm
- Flowers: May-June
- Soil requirement: Neutral, well-drained
- Light requirement: Full sun to semi-shade
- Natural habitat: Grassland, meadows, hedgerows and woodlands
- Also known as: Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Chervil, Wild Beaked Parsley, Keck
Choosing different wildflower plants by species gives you complete control over when you plant them, where you plant them and what the end result will be. And buying wildflower plug plants instead of seeds, means that you don't have to wait for them to germinate - perfect if speed is of the essence!
The full range of over 100 British wildflower plants species from Boston Seeds is available to buy online in trays of 25, 150 and 500 plug plants and all are available with nationwide delivery.
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