All Game Cover Seed Crops
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Boston Seeds are proud to supply the EnviroSeeds range for biodiversity and sustainable farming.
This fastest growing rye, POWERGREEN is a high yielding variety which can grow at the lower temperatures, making it ideal for late sowing or early harvests.
- Fast initial development, high tillering and high output
- Good growth in cold conditions, excellent winter hardiness
- High nitrogen uptake throughout autumn
- Sow in autumn for incorporation and use in the spring
- Sowing rate: 150kg / ha
Triticale produces long straw with an excellent resistance to lodging. Impressive root development extracts nutrients from deep in the soil profile.
- A wheat/rye hybrid cereal providing good cover and feed in low fertility areas.
- Clean crop with a low susceptibility to fusarium and ergot
- Resistant to attack from rabbits
- Higher grain yield than other leading varieties
- Sowing rate: 100kg / ha
Thousand Head Kale is a popular, tried and tested variety with good standing ability and winter hardiness.
- Thousand Head is a slender stemmed variety bearing leafy foliage.
- Excellent winter hardiness providing forage for feeding after Christmas.
- Can supply approximately 90 tonnes/ha of green forage matter.
- Sowing rate: 2kg per acre.
The Traditional Game Cover Mixture combines a broad range of species which will give a full season of cover and a supply of food.
- A tried and tested mixture of species that provide feed and cover
- Sunflowers provide an attractive splash of colour
- Differing seed sizes mean it is best to broadcast rather than drilled
- Game Maize (treated), White Millet, Red Millet, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Kale, Sunflower, White Mustard, Forage Rape, Gold of Pleasure, Phacelia
- Sowing Rate: 10kg per acre. Packsize: 10kg

Boston Seeds are proud to supply the EnviroSeeds range for biodiversity and sustainable farming.
White millet is a popular choice as it provides cover and a source of food. Particularly attractive to English and French partridges.
- Produces a plentiful supply of small seeds for birds
- Often sown in conjunction with maize or kale
- It is vigorous and will grow to a height of up to 90cm
- Thicker leaved and higher seed production than red millet
- Sowing rate: 5kg acre.

Boston Seeds are proud to supply the EnviroSeeds range for biodiversity and sustainable farming.
Red Millet is best sown alongside other crops to provide a source of food which will help to keep birds in the covers.
- Will produce a plentiful supply of small seeds for birds
- Often sown in conjunction with maize or kale
- Red millet is earlier maturing than white millet
- Susceptible to frost
- Sowing rate: 5kg acre.
Japanese Reed Millet is a stronger and hardier member of the millet family when compared to Red and White Millet.
- Stronger plant than others of the millet family
- Improved winter hardiness
- Mix with white millet to provide an excellent cover and feed crop
- Sowing rate: 5kg per acre.
Quinoa will provide cover and a plentiful supply of seed making it a popular crop for holding partridges, pheasants and attracting seed eating song birds.
- Produces a number of seeds to provide a valuable source of food
- Also attractive to many species of seed-eating song birds
- Often grown with kale as it begins to collapse with first frosts
- Available ready blended with Kale, see Overdrive Seed Mixture
- Sowing rate: 2kg per acre. Pack size: 2 kg
A blend of three varieties of maize with different maturity dates to provide effective cover and feed for the duration of the season.
- A blend of early, intermediate and late varieties.
- Varieties selected for good early vigour and standing ability.
- Treated with Redigo M (or equivalent Fungicide) and Korit
- Sowing rate: 45,000 seeds per acre. Packsize: 1 acre (45,000 seeds).
Very tall variety with excellent winter hardiness. A branching, umbrella shaped canopy creates plenty of room underneath for pheasants and partridges.
- Good winter hardiness and excellent feeding quality
- Fresh yields 15% higher than Caledonian and 10% higher than Bittern
- Tried and tested for many years and is still very popular today
- Sowing rate: 2kg per acre.
Spitfire Hybrid Forage Rape is a rape and kale hybrid, is a good companion to use with other fast establishing brassicas.
- Provide cover for a whole season
- Very vigorous and quick growing, ideal for replacing failed crops or patching
- Good disease and bolting resistance
- Sowing rate: 2.5kg per acre.
Canary Grass (Phalaris aquatica) gives excellent long term nesting cover for partridges and pheasants.
- A perennial species which can last for 10 years.
- Perfect for poor quality sites where annual sowing is difficult or impractical.
- Can grow to 60cm in first year and over 150cm in following years.
- Requires sowing in wide rows to prevent it from becoming to thick
- Sowing rate: 2.5 kg/acre Pack Size: 2.5kg.
Cocker will provide a full season of cover as well as an excellent supply of seeds to keep the birds close to the covers.
- Suitable for Environmental Stewardship Schemes.
- Full season cover for up to two years.
- Butisan herbicide tolerant.
- Contains; Kale, Mustard, Fodder Radish and Linseed.
- Sowing rate: 16kg per hectare. Pack size: 8kg.
Short stemmed, sturdy, broad-leaved and has a substantial seed head. Its shorter growing habit is ideal for exposed sites.
- Average height 1 - 1.25m.
- Very good standing power due to short growth habit.
- Ideal cover providing a warm holding area for birds.
- Sowing rate 12kg per acre.
Dwarf sunflowers are a shorter stemmed hybrid variety which provide better standing ability over conventional varieties.
- A stiff stemmed, shorter hybrid variety
- An effective feed crop for shoots in the southern half of the UK
- May require 'swiping' down to allow game birds to access the seeds
- Frequently sown as part of a game mix or with kale
- Sowing rate: 5kg acre. Pack size: 5kg
Giant Sorghum is a cross between Sorghum and Sudan Grass Hybrid. It can grow over two metres tall providing excellent cover.
- Produces warm and dense cover that can grow 2-3 metres tall.
- Deep roots help it to withstand drought conditions
- Works well as a windbreak protect more vulnerable crops
- Sorghum is useful for flushing as it encourages the birds to lift above the cover
- Sowing rate: 12kg per acre.
A crop well suited to poorer and nutrient deficient soils. Fast maturing, free-branching plant producing seed attractive to birds.
- Useful mixture for exposed areas.
- Sow April/May for use from September onwards.
- Available mixed with Triticale, Barley and Linseed, see Partridge Mix.
- Annual specie providing cover up until Christmas.
- Sowing rate: 5kg per acre. Pack size: 5kg.
Golden Retriever game cover seed mixture will provide a full season of cover as well as steady supply of seeds to hold the birds in the covers.
- Excellent holding potential for pheasants and partridges.
- Tried and tested reliable mixture.
- Stomp Aqua herbicide tolerant.
- Contains; Dwarf Sorghum, Dwarf Sunflowers, Fodder Radish and Millet blend.
- Sowing rate: 24kg per hectare. Pack size: 12.5kg.
Intermediate Sorghum as the name suggests grows to a height between the Giant and Dwarf varieties.
- Grows to a height of around 1.5 metres.
- Useful as a windbreak around other game cover crops
- Tall cover provides birds with protection from overhead predators
- Similar to maize but does not produce a cob
- Sowing rate: 10kg per acre.
Interval is a hybrid variety, produced by crossing rape and kale together. Creates a thick, leafy canopy to utilise in as little as 10-12 weeks.
- Fast growing properties of rape with the greater leaf canopy of kale.
- Winter hardy for a full season of cover.
- Grows to a height of 80-100cm.
- Sowing Rate: 2kg per acre.
Labrador is designed to be used on cooler or more exposed northern sites. Features Triticale which is resistant to rabbits.
- Ideal for use on cold or exposed northern sites and will tolerate difficult soil types.
- Full season cover for up to two years.
- Creates ideal habitat for brood rearing.
- Contains; Triticale, Mustard, Kale, Linseed and Quinoa.
- Sowing rate: 40kg per hectare. Pack size: 20kg.
Late Straight is late maturing and selected for its good standing ability.
- Produces a small immature cob that rarely develops past the 'bright white' stage.
- Very late maturity and of less interest to rats and badgers.
- Will still be looking good at the end of the shooting season.
- Late maturing varieties - cob maturity rate can vary depending on the growing season, time of sowing and husbandry
- Treated with Redigo M (or equivalent Fungicide) and Korit
- Sowing rate: 45,000 seeds per acre. Packsize: 1 acre (45,000 seeds).
Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is similar to Canary Grass (Aquatica) however it is much hardier.
- A perennial species which can last for 10 years
- Suitable for exposed northern sites - good frost and winter hardiness
- Strong stems and thick leaves provide reliable cover for ground-nesting birds
- Similar to conventional canary grass with improved hardiness
- Inoculated with rhizobia
- Sowing rate: 2.5kg per acre Pack Size: 2.5kg
A fast establishing, maturing mixture ideal for patching failed crops or where a later sown crop is wanted.
- Provides cover and potentially seeds within 16 weeks of sowing
- Rescue mixture for failed crops
- Rapid establishment
- 50% Buckwheat, 15% Fodder Radish, 15% White Mustard, 10% Gold of pleasure, 10% Texsel Greens
- Sowing rate: 5kg per acre. Pack Size: 10kg
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