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Dry, Sandy Loam Soils Wildflower Seed BS3M 80/20
Use this mixture to establish a permanent, diverse wildflower and grass meadow on dry and sandy soils.
- Contains twenty four British native wildflower species, including Black Medick, White Campion, Wild Carrot and Forget-me-not.
- Species in this mixture are frequently found in grassland on lighter, well-drained soils which tend to be dry in summer, eg; sandy loams, stony loams which crumble to the touch; well drained slopes and embankments.
- Sow at 5 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 200 sq/m
- Click this link for mixture contents and information.
Mixture Specification
Common Name | Latin Name | Quantity | Flowers | Height | Type | |
1 | Bedstraw, Lady's | Galium verum | 1.2% | Jun - Sep | 50 - 80cm | Perennial |
2 | Black Medick | Medicago lupulina | 1.6% | May - Oct | 15 - 80cm | Annual |
3 | Buttercup, Bulbous | Ranunculus bulbosus | 1.4% | May - Jun | 15 - 35cm | Perennial |
4 | Buttercup, Meadow | Ranunculus acris | 0.6% | May - Jun | 30 - 100cm | Perennial |
5 | Campion, Bladder | Silene vulgaris | 0.2% | May - Sep | 25 - 60cm | Perennial |
6 | Campion, White | Silene alba | 1.4% | May - Oct | 50 - 100cm | Perennial |
7 | Carrot, Wild | Daucus carota | 0.8% | Jun - Oct | 30 - 100cm | Perennial |
8 | Cowslip | Primula veris | 0.2% | Apr - May | 15 - 30cm | Perennial |
9 | Daisy, Ox-eye | Leucanthemum vulgare | 0.8% | May - Sep | 20 - 100cm | Perennial |
10 | Forget-me-not, Field | Myosotis arvensis | 0.2% | May - Jul | 20 - 40cm | Annual |
11 | Hawkbit, Rough | Leontodon hispidus | 0.6% | Jun - Oct | 15 - 35cm | Perennial |
12 | Knapweed, Common | Centaurea nigra | 1.4% | Jun - Sep | 30 - 80cm | Perennial |
13 | Mignonette, Wild | Reseda lutea | 0.8% | May - Oct | 30 - 80cm | Perennial |
14 | Plantain, Hoary | Plantago media | 0.6% | May - Sep | 15 - 45cm | Perennial |
15 | Plantain, Ribwort | Plantago lanceolata | 0.6% | Apr - Sep | 15 - 50cm | Perennial |
16 | Scabious, Field | Knautia arvensis | 0.6% | Jul - Sep | 30 - 200cm | Perennial |
17 | Self-heal | Prunella vulgaris | 1.2% | Jun - Sep | 15 - 30cm | Perennial |
18 | Sorrel, Common | Rumex acetosa | 1% | May - Jul | 30 - 100cm | Perennial |
19 | St John's-wort, Common | Hypericum perforatum | 0.4% | Jun - Sep | 30 - 90cm | Perennial |
20 | Toadflax, Common | Linaria vulgaris | 0.8% | Jun - Oct | 30 - 90cm | Perennial |
21 | Trefoil, Bird's-foot | Lotus corniculatus | 1.2% | Jun - Aug | 10 - 40cm | Perennial |
22 | Viper's Bugloss | Echium vulgare | 0.6% | May - Oct | 50 - 100cm | Biennial |
23 | Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | 1% | Jun - Oct | 20 - 100cm | Perennial |
Bent, Common | Agrostis castellana | 4% | 50 - 100cm | Grass | ||
Crested Dogstail | Cynosurus cristatus | 17.6% | 30 - 60cm | Grass | ||
Fescue, Chewings | Festuca rubra, commutata | 16% | 30 - 70cm | Grass | ||
Fescue, Sheeps | Festuca ovina | 12% | 15 - 50cm | Grass | ||
Fescue, Slender Creeping Red | Festuca rubra, litoralis | 11.2% | 10 - 20cm | Grass | ||
Meadow Grass, Smooth Stalk | Poa pratensis | 8% | 30 - 90cm | Grass | ||
Sweet Vernal-grass | Anthoxanthum odoratum | 1.6% | 30 - 60cm | Grass | ||
Timothy, Small Leaved | Phleum pratense ssp Bertolinii | 9.6% | 50 - 100cm | Grass | ||
Yellow Oat-grass | Trisetum flavascens | 0.8% | 20 - 75cm | Grass |
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Boston Seeds is an independent seed merchant founded in 2002 by Andrew Wallis, after 25 years working for some of Europe’s leading seed houses. Find out more about Boston Seeds.

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We are proud to offer a wide range of products on a next day delivery service across most of the UK, from just a few grams to hundreds of kilograms.
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