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Acidic Soils Wildflower Meadow Seed BS11M 80/20

Use this mixture to establish wildflowers and grasses on poorer quality or acidic soils, including peat, heath and moors.

  • Contains twenty one British native wildflower species, including Betony, Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil, Ragged Robin and Devil's-bit Scabious.
  • Species in this mixture are frequently found on poor acidic soils which tend to be dominated by a mineral or an organic content eg; heath land, peaty soils and moor land areas.
  • Sow at 5 grams per sqm - 1kg sows 200 sq/m
  • Click this link for mixture contents and information.
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Mixture Specification

  Common Name Latin Name Quantity Flowers Height Type
1 Agrimony, Fragrant Agrimonia procera 1% Jun - Aug 80 - 150cm Perennial
2 Bedstraw, Lady's Galium verum 1% Jun - Sep 50 - 80cm Perennial
3 Betony Stachys officinalis 1.2% Jul - Sep 25 - 50cm Perennial
4 Buttercup, Meadow Ranunculus acris 1.6% May - Jun 30 - 100cm Perennial
5 Cat's-ear, Common Hypochaeris radicata 0.4% Jun - Oct 15 - 50cm Perennial
6 Cornflower Centaurea cyanus 0.8% Jun - Oct 20 - 80cm Annual
7 Daisy, Ox-eye Leucanthemum vulgare 1% May - Sep 20 - 100cm Perennial
8 Foxglove, Wild Digitalis purpurea 0.8% Jun - Aug 50 - 100cm Biennial
9 Knapweed, Common Centaurea nigra 1.4% Jun - Sep 30 - 80cm Perennial
10 Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi 0.8% May - Aug 30 - 90cm Perennial
11 Sage, Wood Teucrium scorodonia 0.6% Jun - Oct 25 - 50cm Perennial
12 Scabious, Devil's-bit Succisa pratensis 0.4% Jul - Sep 50 - 80cm Perennial
13 Sneezewort Achillea ptarmica 1.2% Jul - Sep 40 - 60cm Perennial
14 Sorrel, Common Rumex acetosa 1% May - Jul 30 - 100cm Perennial
15 Sorrel, Sheep's Rumex acetosella 0.8% May - Jul 20 - 40cm Perennial
16 St John's-wort, Common Hypericum perforatum 0.6% Jun - Sep 30 - 90cm Perennial
17 Trefoil, Bird's-foot Lotus corniculatus 1% Jun - Aug 10 - 40cm Perennial
18 Trefoil, Greater Bird's-foot Lotus uliginosus 0.8% Jun - Aug 20 - 60cm Perennial
19 Vetch, Tufted Vicia cracca 1% Jun - Sep 100 - 150cm Perennial
20 Yarrow Achillea millefolium 1.6% Jun - Oct 20 - 100cm Perennial
21 Yellow-rattle Rhinanthus minor 1% Jun - Sep 25 - 50cm Annual
  Bent, Common Agrostis castellana 4%   50 - 100cm Grass
  Bent, Creeping Agrostis stolonifera 3.2%   40 - 100cm Grass
  Crested Dogstail Cynosurus cristatus 14.4%   30 - 60cm Grass
  Fescue, Sheeps Festuca ovina 17.6%   15 - 50cm Grass
  Fescue, Slender Creeping Red Festuca rubra, litoralis 22.4%   10 - 20cm Grass
  Meadow Grass, Smooth Stalked Poa pratensis 4.8%   30 - 90cm Grass
  Sweet Vernal-grass Anthoxanthum odoratum 1.6%   30 - 60cm Grass
  Timothy, Small Leaved Phleum pratense ssp Bertolinii 6.4%   50 - 100cm Grass
  Wavy Hair-grass Deschampsia flexuosa 1.6%   22 - 45cm Perennial
  Yorkshire Fog Holcus lanatus 4%   50 - 100cm Grass

BS11M Mixtue Contents